Alternative Wedding Guestbook Ideas

Not sure what to do for your wedding guestbook? We got you covered! These guestbook ideas are way more fun than a traditional one.

Alternative Wedding Guestbook Ideas
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1. Polaroid picture guestbook

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Polaroid styled pictures are fun and nostalgic. We used a Fujifilm Instax at our wedding along with some props like glasses and fake mustaches. Guest absolutely loved it and so did we! Here are a few things you will need if you want a photo guestbook at your wedding
  • a dedicated table: Having a station for this makes it more obvious to guest which increases the odds they will use it. Plus you will need the space to hold the cameras and other supplies.
  • extra film packs: You definitely don’t want to run out of film at your wedding. We assumed each guest/couple would take at least one picture.
  • sharpies or pens: Some guests will want to sign the picture or write on the back.
  • something to hang them on: Showing off the pics as they are being taken is super fun for everyone to see as they walk by, plus it is a great way to keep track of all the pics. We used a wire rack at our wedding, but a poster board, row of strings, or book will also work.
  • double sided tape or clips: If you do have guests hang the pictures, you will need something for them to attach them with.
  • props(optional): I label it as optional but I highly recommend it. You can use mustaches on sticks, glasses, wigs, hats, etc. Get creative with it!

2. Audio guestbook

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Audio guestbooks are in trend and for a good reason. Guests can leave recorded messages for you and your partner that are sure to make you laugh and cry. If you decide to get a physical phone, there are plenty of options: After the tone, FeteFone, AfterTheBeep, etc.
Most of the solutions require you to rent the phone and return it shortly after your wedding. If you don’t want to worry about dates and returning the phone, you can always purchase one on Amazon.
There is also the option to use a digital audio guestbook. With this option, there are no rental dates or returns to worry about, the audio files are accessible immediately without transferring them to a computer, and it is much cheaper. To learn more, see [insert page for guest book]

3. Video guestbook

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Almost everyone has a smartphone these days. Now you can put them to use to get video recordings from your guests! You will be able to truly re-live your wedding day from your guests perspective with all the videos. The best part will be seeing the emotions on their faces. I’m getting emotional just writing about it.
Check out EventShare if this option intrigues you.

4. A custom wooden sign

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If you like home decor and want to hang reminder of your wedding day, check out Etsy for a custom wooden sign. There are lots of options. Best of all, guests won’t suffer from writers block staring at a blank page in a traditional guestbook. A simple signature will do and they look pretty.

5. Message in a bottle

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Last but definitely not least, you can have a bottle or glass box for guest to write small notes to you. It is a fun twist a written message. We did something like this but used prompted cards. Each guest was instructed to let us know something we should do, something we should never do, and something we should continue doing. Some were pretty funny and others had some good advice


I hope this has inspired you to think outside of the traditional wedding guestbook. Happy planning!

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Written by

Jessica James


    Written by

    Nick James
