What is an Audio Guestbook and Why You Need One for Your Wedding

Gone are the days of basic wedding guestbooks. You and your guests deserve a more fun and unique option. Guaranteed to make your wedding unforgettable.

What is an Audio Guestbook and Why You Need One for Your Wedding
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What is an audio guestbook?

An audio guest book is a way to collect voicemail messages you will cherish listening to over and over again.
You can think of it as an audio time capsule of your wedding day. Capture the voice and emotion of each person leaving a message. Gone are the days of traditional guestbook gathering dust in the basement because only one or two pages got filled.

Types of messages you will get

Imagine hearing the joy and happy tears from your parents leaving you a heart felt message about how much they love you and how happy they are you found the love of your life. Or grandma telling you how she met your grandpa and how she knows you and your partner are going to have a long and happy marriage. And lets not forget your best friends leaving quirky and funny messages after their third shot of tequila.
A traditional guestbook cannot capture the emotion behind these messages, but an audio guestbook can. When my husband and I listened to the messages from our wedding, I cried.

Who can participate

Absolutely everyone! That is what makes an audio guestbook so unique. Kids who can’t write and grandparents without glasses can still leave you a message.
If you choose EventShare for your audio guestbook, you can even get messages from loved ones that cannot attend your wedding. Simply send them a link or QR code to your customized event gallery. From there they can record a message for you.


Hopefully I have shown that you are not limited to a traditional wedding guest book. There are alternatives out there that might suite you better.
We love the recordings from our wedding and we think you will to.

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Written by

Nick James
